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Meet our Founders


Our team has unique expertise in the field of nanotechnology and its application to biomedical reasearch. This includes indeapth knowledge of nanoparticle synthesis and detailed understanding how their physicochemical parameters (size, shape, and surface chemistry) affect biological interactions, adaptation of nanotechnology for detection of infectious pathogens and development of novel nanocarriers for drug delivery.

Dr. Warren Chan

CEO & Co-Founder


Dr. Chan is one of the leaders in the field of nanotechnology with strong expertise in commericialization of scientific research. Dr. Chan holds a professorship in the Univeristy of Toronto, where he studies nanoparticle interactions with biological environment and uses unique properties of nanoparticles to develop novel diagnostic approaches and nanocarrier drug delivery solution.  

Dr. Kyryl Zagorovsky

COO & Co-Founder

With over 7 years of experience in the field of nanotechnology Dr. Zagorovsky has gained extensive technical expertise in nanoparticle synthesis and characterization. Dr. Zagorovsky's work has involved development of nanotechnology-based diagnostic platforms for detection of infectious pathogens and design of multi-component nanocarrier drug delivery solutions.

Meet the Team


We've been growing! Were happy to have these brilliant minds on board!

Mohamed A Abdou Mohamed, PhD - Scientist, Research and Development

Benjamin Luby, PhD - Sales and Marketing Manager

Trevor Janes, PhD - Scientist, Research and Development

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